See Kate's Corner for the story!!
Appalled by the rapid destruction of the environment with which Little Rock has been naturally blessed, concerned people pushed for attention on this critical situation. As a result, the Land Alteration and Landscape Review Task Force was created by the City of Little Rock in July, 1998, to review the City's land alteration and landscape ordinances and make recommendations for improvement. The Task Force has reviewed relevant Little Rock ordinances, as well as related ordinances from other cities and states.
(To see the entire ordinances, click the City link at the bottom of this page).
Land Alteration and Landscape Ordinance Review Task Force
Recommendations to the City of Little Rock
The recommendations now being made to the Little Rock Planning Commission and Board of Directors are intended to promote strong development standards that will enhance the desirability of Little Rock as a place to live and do business.
The Task Force recommendations relate to three areas:
Tree Protection and Preservation
Protection and Preservation
Little Rock lacks a comprehensive Tree Ordinance. The Task Force recommends an expanded Tree Ordinance with the following major provisions:
The Task Force recommends the following major amendments to the City's existing Landscape Ordinance:
The Task Force recommends the following amendments to the City's existing Land Alteration Ordinance:
Improve erosion control protection measures.
Conceal hillside scars.
Limit size of hillside cuts.
The Task Force members:
Dottie Funk, Co-chair - City Beautiful Commission
Herb Hawn, Co-chair - Planning Commission
John Baker - Tree Streets
Bob Callans - Bob Callans & Associates
Mina Drause - River Mountain Neighborhood Action Plan
Mary Underwood - League of Women Voters
Ramsey Ball - Millennium Land and Buildings Co.
Russ McDonough - Winrock Development Corporation
Mark Johnson - Rock Creek Neighborhood Plan
Troy D. Laha - SWLR UP
Special thanks to:
David Gillespie
Matt Bradley
Persons interested in additional information or in providing input on these proposals should contact the Land Alteration and Landscape Ordinance Review Task Force at (501) 918-5280.
The Citizens FOR the Land Alteration Ordinances sponsor this website.
To see the reality of the situation in Little Rock and the urgent need for common sense solutions, see the
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ยท webpages developed by: Ron Barron